
Picture of Clifford Darrett

Picture of Clifford Darrett's chest

Picture of Clifford Darrett's arm
I was born in Evansville, Indiana, and I have always had the “natural ability “ to draw.  I took classes in drawing, painting and graphic arts at Sinclair Community College in Dayton, Ohio, while working on my Associate Degree for Electronic Data Processing.  Upon graduating from Sinclair in 1973, I transferred to Central State University where I took more art classes while working towards a Degree in Business Administration.   By the time I had received my Masters Degree in Computer Science from the University Of Dayton in 1979, I had gained much from my artistic learning experiences that have served to amplify my natural ability.    I consider  myself a contemporary genre artist, whose style is realism.    I am a twenty-year member of The Trade Winds Club, a travel club for couples, and I incorporate  into my art, themes from American life, as well as those from my travels to Puerto Rico, Jamaica, the Bahamas and The Virgin Islands.  The mediums of my artistic expression include oil, pastels and airbrush with acrylics. Additional information available at
